Monday, April 17, 2006

Google Page Creator: A Visual Tour

I just played for a little while with the latest offering from the Google Services - Google Pages Beta. I took some screenshots in the process and am uploading them here. They are all self explanatory, so sparing you people with my commentary.

Google Pages Welcome Screen

WYSIWYG Interface of Google Page Creator

Creating a New Page

Editing a Page

URLs Can Be Validated

Preview After Adding 4 Sample Links

Layout of the Pages Can Be Changed

An Example of a Different Layout

Preview of the New Layout

Manage All the Pages Using the Page Manager

Uploading images and other resources and adding them to the web pages is also possible and very simple to do. Google Pages should come very handy for creating the individual profiles, simple personal websites or maintaining one's todo list. Register with Google Pages to get an invite if you haven't already got one.